Support the work of Chabad Here are our banking details, please show your support. Thank you!! Account number: 62457937989 FNB Balfour Park - Branch : 250-655 Ref: your name Please email any proof of contributions or payments for the Shul to [email protected] Thank you for your kind and generous support!! Please use this online form to make a donation by credit card To make a donation by check, please send check made payable to Chabad / Miracle Drive Trust and mail to: Chabad House 27 Aintree Ave, Savoy Estate 2090 Name: Email Address: Credit Card Holder: Credit Card Type: Choose One Mastercard Visa American Express Credit Card No.: Expiry Date: mm/yy Amount - Please specify currency: This contribution is for: Choose One General Donation Kiddush Sponsorship Shabbat Meals Aliya Pesach Seder Other Please allocate these funds to:Choose One Chabad' Goodness & Kindness Centre Chabad's Shul in Sandton Central Chabad's Hospitality for Visitors Chabad's Seniors programmes & Hospital Visitations Comments: Thank you for your participation. This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure. If you have any questions, please call Rabbi Ari Kievman 079-434-1293 or email [email protected] This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.