
Our community is writing a new Torah scroll, and welcomes you to be a part of it!

A Torah is the holiest component of the synagogue.
It takes many months for a scribe to write the scroll with a handmade quill and ink on parchment.
When a new Torah scroll is dedicated to a Shul, it is one of the most joyous events a Jewish community can experience. It is a sign of a healthy, robust and flourishing community that is brimming with a vigorous Jewish pride.

This Unity Torah commisioned by Shul in Sandton Central is being dedicated to the loving memory of a young girl, Elliet Hodayah Shani who recently passed away. Her story personifies the unity for which we strive. She brought people from around the world together in prayer as she valiantly battled cancer; now her memory brings us together in the writing of our new Torah.

Join us as we unite and connect with our glorious past and blaze a fearless trail to our shining future.
Play your role in writing history by participating in our Torah scroll.
Get your family and friends to take part in this special mitzvah too!

Please donate whatever amount you can toward this special Torah.
Get your family and friends to take part in this special mitzvah too!

Play your role in writing history by participating in the Unity Torah... Be a part of it!

Endow A Portion
Dedicate a part of our new Torah

My Endowment dedication is in honor of:
myself my child/ren a relative Other
My Endowment dedication is in memory of:
Please indicate in notes which portion you want to dedicate & in honor or memory of whom
Dedication Names / Details: Please separate each with a comma

Dedication Opportunities
Endow the first letters of your Jewish name, a word, verse or chapter in the Torah that has special meaning for yourself, your family or a friend. Endow a weekly Torah or Maftir portion for yourself, your family or a friend by choosing a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or wedding anniversary or in memory of a loved one by choosing the portion of their Yahrtzeit.
Letter - ZAR 180 How Many?
Word - ZAR 1,800
How Many?
Verse - ZAR 3,600
How Many?
Chapter - ZAR 7,700
How Many?
Maftir - ZAR 6,130
How Many?
Dedicate a Torah Portion or an entire Book of the Torah
ZAR 18,000 Regular Sedra (Weekly portion)
Please indicate which portion(s) you would like to endow: | view listing of available potions coming soon!
How Many?

ZAR 28,000 First or Last Portion of Book. Sefer or Chazak

Which One?
ZAR 36,000 Vzot Habracha ZAR 61,300 A Book of the Torah Which One?
Sponsor an Item
Special blessings for health, happiness and prosperity. Payment plans are available.
ZAR 180,000 Travelling Ark
Dedicate the Ark
ZAR 180,000 Crown
The beautiful Sterling Silver Crown will be prominently displayed above the Torah
ZAR 180,000 Eitz Chayim
The two wooden shafts attached to either end of the Torah scroll
ZAR 72,000 BreastPlate
The beautiful Sterling Silver Breastplate will be prominently hung on the Torah
ZAR 72,000 Yad
The beautiful Sterling Silver pointer prominently hung on the Torah

Please charge my card below
EFT Payment. I will deposit into Chabad's Goodness & Kindness Centre's Account

Banking Details:
Account name: Miracle Drive Trust
Account number: 62457937989
FNB Balfour Park - Branch : 250-655
Ref: your name + Torah.
Please email all proofs of payment to [email protected]

To create a payment plan please contact Rabbi Kievman

Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
City/Province/Postal Code
/ /
Card Information
Charge Amount
Card Type
Card Number
Expiration Date
CVV Security Code
please email your submission to [email protected] to ensure we have it on record

Shul in Sandton Central at the Kirsh Goodness & Kindness Centre is a unique
cosmopolitan Shul in the heart of Sandton CBD for both locals and tourists.
Our centre located at 8 Stella St (across Gautrain & Mandela Sq, next door to
Merill Lynch) serves as a meeting place for social, religious, educational, cultural, and family events, where young and old regardless of their background, level of observance or affiliation, can enhance their awareness of the Jewish faith and its traditions.
Thank you for your generous support!!

Siyum Sefer Torah.jpg