"I was very impressed with the professionalism of the JLI courses that I've been attending – far exceeded my expectations. Rabbi Ari Kievman is approchable, witty and real. I am looking forward to the next serious of lectures ."
Andrea Stein, Sandton
"I found Rabbi Kievman to be an enthusiastic and dynamic presenter and I found the course and material of a high professional standard. Each participant received an excellent handbook in which were found the major Talmudic texts and Secular literature dealing with the great dilemmas pertaining to issues such as euthanasia, the taking of medical risks, the counselling of patients regarding risks, the questions of medical consent etc. Rabbi Kievman’s presentation extensively covered both the Secular Law (including Case Law) and the Talmudic and the Jewish Responsa.
I strongly recommend this course to the specialist and to the layman who has an interest in finding out how Jewish Law tackles the great ethical dilemmas that bothered the Sages of all peoples over the period from ancient times right up to the 21st Century."
Charles Mendelow, Attorney
“I have attended a number of the JLI courses. The content has been well chosen and the topics are well researched and thought provoking and, although sometimes at first glance may seem to have little relevance to modern times, are extremely relevant and applicable to everyday life. I look forward to the next course.” Mandy Yachad, Attorney (Springbok Cricket Legend) |
"The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute and Rabbi Aaron Herman are to be congratulated for their challenging course,The Land and The Spirit, in which the spiritual values and centrality of the Land of Israel are expounded through a fascinating range of religious and secular texts. These texts, like the course itself, will serve a noble cause in stimulating thought and encouraging understanding."
Sir Martin Gilbert, Leading Historian Official Biographer of Sir Winston Churchill |
"I strongly support this Rohr JLI course, as information is our defense against the repetition of history, and keeping memory alive is our moral obligation."
Simon Wiesenthal, A"H |
"I found the Rohr JLI course You Be The Judge fascinating. If my first-year students had been exposed to this material before starting law school, they would be better prepared for the rigors of the Socratic method."
Professor Alan M. Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Harvard Law School |
"The story of our people is filled with tales of leadership and vision, kindness and compassion. These are the gifts that enriched our own communities, and they are gifts we have shared with others around the world. The past provides us the inspiration to continue to work for the betterment of society."
Marlene Post, President, Hadassah International, Chair for North America, Birthright Israel (Taglit) |
"I applaud your efforts to create and offer this insightful, outstanding program to the wider community. By bringing great minds, hearts and souls together in learning, reflection and commitment, the victory of the bright flame of sacred life over evil and tyranny is much strengthened."
Fred S. Zeidman, Chairman, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC |
"Everyone, whether they be a lay person or a judge, often times struggle to do what is just and right. Learning from the great writings of the ages, such as the Talmud, and in courses like the Rohr lectures serve to bring insights to our thinking and help all of us to make sounder judgments."
Alvin Weiss, Retired Judge, New Jersey Superior Court |
"As a Professor of Jewish Law and American Legal Theory, I often point to the way in which Jewish civil law incorporates ethics within a distinctly legal framework. JLI's course, You Be The Judge Two, offers a fascinating context for exploring the relationship of law and ethics and shows the unique contribution that the Talmudic system can make to this central issue."
Professor Suzanne Stone, Professor of Law and Director, Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization at The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law / Yeshiva University |
"My experience with a previous JLI course greatly impressed me, with how applicable these Torah-based lessons and insights are to encouraging healthy interpersonal relationships. What I learned from previous courses has been of great value professionally and personally. I highly recommend this new course and trust that participants will find its wisdom relevant to their daily lives."
Laura E. Marshak, Ph.D, Licensed Psychologist; Professor, Department of Counseling, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA |
"It is impossible to understand present-day Jewry and Judaism without learning about the Holocaust and the moral and religious questions it raises. The planned Rohr JLI course, Beyond Never Again, is a most valuable contribution to the effort."
Professor Dan Michman, Chief Historian, Yad Vashem: Israel Holocaust Memorial Museum Chair, Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research, Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
"Many thanks for sharing with me the exciting Rohr JLI curriculum of You Be The Judge and for the excellent idea of bringing the treasure of Jewish law, a major point of Jewish life and Jewish ethos, to the attention of interested people."
Elyakim Rubinstein, Israeli Supreme Court Justice, Former Attorney General of Israel |
"Talmud is concerned with the role of the human reasoning in the interpretation and application of a 'revealed law'. Hence the relevance attributed by Talmudic law to the quality and subtlety of the reasoning in the interclash of opinions."
Dr. Celso Lafer, Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Former Minister of Foreign Relations of the Federated Republic of Brazil |
"Bravo - the Rohr JLI has done it again. This new series looks superb. This promises to be yet another exciting, path-breaking journey in Jewish learning!"
Professor Gil Troy, Department of History, McGill University |
"In reasoned discourse and telling wonderful stories along the way, Rabbi Eli Silberstein gives us in this book real insight into the way the Talmud applies the law to the actions of individuals and their property."
Professor Roald Hoffman, Nobel Prize Laureate Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University |
"Art imitates life. The best stories in the world are true. You Be The Judge is a great opportunity to learn about Jewish law through the drama and excitement of real people and real cases. I highly recommend it."
Michael Helfant, President and COO, Marvel Studios |
"I think of this course as 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Jews.' It provides a Jewish road map for finding the path to psychological health."
Steven E. Rothke - Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist, Northbrook, IL Clinical Professor, Northwestern University Medical School |
"I was so impressed. The course was fantastic, and the readings in the book were nothing short of remarkable. . . . My sincerest thanks for a wonderful learning experience."
Jessica Klein Levenbrown, Award-winning television writer and producer, Los Feliz, CA |
"I am delighted to learn that the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute has created the course entitled Flashbacks in Jewish History. The great encounters between Judaism and its surrounding civilizations are of paramount importance for anyone seeking to understand Jewish life in the past as well as in the present."
Professor Jonathan D. Sarna, Director, Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program, Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University |