Sandton Central Shul is located at
Chabad's Goodness & Kindness Centre
8 Stella St, Sandton (across the Gautrain Station) 2031.
Friday & Yom Tov Evenings
6:00pm, Followed by Brocha/Kidush & Shabbos Dinner (RSVP essential)
Shabbos & YomTov
9:30am, Services Followed by Kidush/Lunch
1:15pm, Mincha
Shkia, Shiur & Seuda Shlishis followed by Maariv
8:15am, Followed by Breakfast & a Shiur
Weekday Mornings
We currently have an ongoing daily Shacharis at 6:30am
Shacharis is confirmed in evenings based on how many commitments. Please contact us to confirm if there's a minyan in the morning.
Weekday Evenings
5:00pm-7:00pm Torah Study with the rabbis
Mincha followed by Ma'ariv
Summer 5:45pm
Winter 5:15pm
Jewish Learning Institute
Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm
To add a name to the Misheberach list click here
If you require a minyan or have any questions, please call Rabbi Ari Kievman 079-434-1293 or email [email protected]
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