Shofar & Tashlich in Mushroom Park
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah after the afternoon prayer, there is a custom to go to a lake, river or sea (preferably a body of water that has fish), and recite the Tashlich prayers, wherein we symbolically cast our sins into the water and leave our old shortcomings behind us, thus starting the new year with a clean slate. As fish depend upon water, so do we depend upon G‑d's providence. Also, a fish's eyes never close, symbolizing G‑d's unceasing watchfulness over us.
Join us for Tashlich!
Tuesday, 7 September 4:45PM
To read more about the Tashlich Service click here.
For the Tashlich prayer in Hebrew click here
For the Tashlich Prayer in English click here
For info about the rest of our High Holiday Services please click here.
Gather in the park for a moment of noise and reflection; Shofar Blowing and Tashlich ceremony.
We've been blowing the Shofar, a simple hollowed out ram’s horn, for thousands of years in celebration of Rosh Hashanah, or the Head of the Year – also known as the birthday of humanity.
This 30th of September, return to a simpler, more essential state, together with fellow Jewish Sandtonites. Hear the stirring, unadulterated blasts of the Shofar as we reflect on our collective birthday. And walk away with a message that you were carrying all along.
Shofar in the Park will happen once: It won’t be broadcasted, rebroadcasted, or podcasted.
In fact, according to ancient prescription, one must hear the blasts directly from the Shofar itself. No medium will do – not a microphone, not CBC, not even a slight echo. It's a "you-had-to-be-there" kind of a moment.
Though the messages to be heard in the Shofar’s notes are as numerous as there are people, here’s just one: Don’t live your life vicariously through others, carrying their opinions and mimicking popular beliefs. Like the Shofar blast, live your life first-hand and be an original.
The event is as green as they come – even noise pollution will be at a minimum, as the Shofar blowing is an opportune time for silent reflection.
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah there is a custom to go to a lake, river or sea and recite the Tashlich prayers, wherein we symbolically cast our sins into the water and leave our old shortcomings behind us, thus starting the New Year with a clean slate. As fish depend upon water, so do we depend upon G‑d's providence. Also, a fish's eyes never close, symbolizing G‑d's unceasing watchfulness over us.
Shofar and so close. Raise the profile of unity by joining others and coming together. Gather your family, bring your friends. We will gather at the pond area, opposite the Hyundai Hot Air Balloon.
Join us for Shofar and Tashlich in the park!
For more information, contact Rabbi Ari Kievman, [email protected] (079-434-1293) or visit
Tuesday, 7 September 2021 4:45PM MUSHROOM FARM PARK